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EYTE is a government-funded program that helps young people succeed in their careers. We believe in the potential of every young person, no matter where they come from. Our program is designed to make a big impact. In the first 5 weeks, participants get paid training to learn important work skills, like communication and problem-solving. After that, there's a 12-week job placement where they get real-world experience. This program is committed to giving equal opportunities to all participants between the ages 15-30 not in school, with personalized support for each person's journey. For more information and to get started with EYTE, feel free to contact us. Your future success begins here

  • 5-week paid training phase for comprehensive skill development

  • 12-week job placement phase for hands-on experience

  • Inclusive environment with equal opportunities for Indigenous and minority youth

  • Personalized support to meet the unique needs of each participant

  • Specialized training including Security Training, Food Handler Certification, CPR and First Aid Certification, and Smart Serve

For more info, Contact Ihsan El Batal

DALL·E 2023-11-14 10.03.27 - An image showcasing the 'EYTE (Empower Youth Through Employme
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