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The RAJO project - RAJO meaning hope in Somali uses an evidence-based model of care for youth who have experienced trauma. TST addresses the needs of the (1) individual youth and (2) the social environment (i.e., family, school, and neighborhood) in which the youth lives.

TST is both a clinical model for the efficient and effective treatment of traumatized youth AND an organizational model for the integration of services for agencies and programs that provide treatment to traumatized youth and families. TST is a framework for organizing interventions that addresses the real-world needs of youth facing considerable adversity. TST is designed to help youth and families where there is ongoing stress in the social environment by addressing the trauma system. 


CRSD is the Canadian lead in the Trauma Systems Therapy for Refugees (TST-R). This is an adaptation of TST that includes adding service components to enhance engagement of Black, racialized, refugee and immigrant youth and their families, to reduce barriers to treatment, and to ensure that culturally responsive, linguistically appropriate care is provided. In this regard, TST-R seeks not only to increase mental health capacity within refugee and immigrant communities, but also to increase the cultural knowledge of practitioners serving youth and families. 

For more info, Contact Mandi Pekan

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